Monday, March 31, 2014

The Marks

Meet the Marks Family... 
 . . . and the cousins.
Oh the fun with cousins! 
They really wore us adults out! It was fun, you guys!!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Boyfriend of the Year...

Justin surprised his long time girlfriend by taking her to the place where they first met at a run down gas station in Miles, Tx. He had it all set up: lights, a chandelier, and the music of the first song they ever danced to playing.
 They danced...(I'm sure she was wondering what was going on)
And then he proposed! 
and of course, she said, "yes."

So sweet, you guys!!! What an honor it was to capture that moment for you. Best wishes to you!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Strange Family

I had such a great time with the Strange family. The girls are beautiful and lovely to be around. And you don't have to chase them!!

I had a difficult time deciding on my favorites for my blog. They all made me smile! 

Saturday, March 8, 2014


I had such fun with Haley doing her senior pictures. And just as much fun editing them. She's so gorgeous!! I just loved all the pictures. 

Haley brought along her friend to help. Haley is quiet, calm, laid back, and doesn't like to make decisions, really reminded me of myself. But her friend was fun, energetic, and helped us decide every location. It cracked me up because her best friend's personality is the same type that always end up being my best friends, too.  

Seriously gorgeous!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sykes Family

 My husband and I met Mari and Brandon years ago at a couples party. Later, when I mentioned them, and Chris didn't remember their names, I said, "that couple that looks like they are teenagers." He knew exactly who I was talking about. Three beautiful kids later, I still think they could pass as high school students.  What's your secret to looking so young?? Hmmm...I wonder if we were referred to as "that old couple. . ."?!?!?