Monday, July 9, 2012

Lit'l Red

9 months. I love this age. They start getting their personalities, but are still cuddly and adore their mommas. And a red-headed baby girl with these beautiful blues and a yellow rosette in her hair? Love it!
 We've been good friends with this family for years, and when they came to visit after having moved over a year ago, I had to get some pictures.
Watch out! He's a bit cheeky. Oh, do I miss this family!
 Her cousin, who is almost the same age, came along for a couple pictures of them together. 

We noticed that baby Kirsten matched my baby, Jack's nursery. That's his quilt he let her borrow. 

 I did mostly pictures of the baby because it was her first photo shoot. She was a perfect little model, as long as I kept up with her.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Baby Elliot

 My mom says when a baby smiles in their sleep, it's because an angel told them a joke. I like to think that's true.
 Elliot's mother told me that this blue blanket was made by his grandmother (hope I'm getting that right). Can you imagine how many hours that must have taken? I love the texture.

Baby Elliot did a true baby photo shoot initiation by pooping on me.
 After having 4 boys, newborn poop doesn't bother me too much!