Monday, July 28, 2014

Wesley Turns One

 It was so fun being a part of this little man's first birthday. He had just woken up from a nap so he was a little solemn at first.

But a little cake and watermelon fixed that. . .
. . .and his grandmother's gift helped, too. What every boy wants: electronics. Did you notice big sis' face? Lol.

Aren't those eyelashes killer?
Happy Birthday, Wesley!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Kaytlin's Surprise

 Yet, again, I got the opportunity to be the creepy photographer capturing an unsuspecting girl who got the surprise of her life. So much fun. 
What a way to remember this day!

I'm so glad they had a few minutes afterwards to do some engagement pictures.
They were so cute!

Congratulations, Kaytlin and Will!! I wish you all the best!

Friday, July 11, 2014


Timothy belongs to one of my favorite families I've ever had the privilege of knowing. His mom is sweet dear friend of mine, and I was honored to photograph her new baby and older children just a few months before their big move.
 3 days old... 
This giggly moment with big brother and big sister was right after I said, "Now, go give him a big kiss!"
My son, Ben, is very fond of big brother Caleb. They've done Bible study class together for a few years. Ben always talks about Caleb. 

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Prom Night 2014

 with a touch of Hollywood... 
 Yeah, I'm pretty sure I looked that glamorous on my prom night, too. Ha ha!