Monday, December 30, 2013

The Behne Family


My Alaskan friends have really adapted to the Texan lifestyle, cowboy boots and all. . .

I love little Kara's expressions in this next group of pictures....

Little Emiley

Baby Emiley's mom and I met on facebook and began texting back and forth about a shoot for Emiley. I think we texted each other over 100 times that week, so much so, that I felt like I made a new friend.
The day of the shoot, my boys got sick. My mom was out of town and it was the kind of sick that you don't ask friends to babysit for you. They were feeling better by that evening, but still had the germs. If you know me, you know how much I hate to cancel on people. The next day was suppose to be COLD, and I was really getting booked up. It was either that night or have to wait another week or two. She was already a month old, so I didn't want her mom to have to wait any longer. So I put the kids in the van, got them some snack, put on a movie in the van, gave them some serious bribing, and parked RIGHT by our location within my sight. They stayed in the van the whole time watching the movie.  
We quickly got some of all three kiddos and then Emiley only wanted Momma. The picture above, her mom is actually holding her covered by the pink blanket.  So I got a lot of big brother and sister... 
She was so sleepy, but would not let her mom put her down.
Her mom texted me about 5 minutes after I left that Emiley had fallen fast asleep in her carseat. Well, of course. You can't say we didn't try, right?

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas in our Pj's

Hello, my long lost blog. I've been busy, busy, busy, so I have a lot of catching up to do, but first, in light of the Holidays, I wanted to post some of the pictures from our Christmas Mini Sessions. I'm sure some felt a little awkward showing up to a photo shoot in their pajamas, but they turned out so cute!

Meet the Wittes and their sweet boys...

...and the Bakers with their little darlings...
...then the Jordan kiddos...
I hope everyone had a Very Merry Christmas!!!  More post coming soon....