Sunday, December 30, 2012

O Christmas Tree

 My friend had the fabulous idea to do her family pictures at the Christmas Tree Farm. I was so excited when she told me. Finding new locations is always a brain-stumper for me.
We were trying to get a pictures of ALL of them holding the sign, but this little man had a different idea. He must have known something we didn't, because this picture turned out SOOO cute.

While there, they decided to buy their Christmas tree. It was so fun. You get to pick out your tree and then cut it down yourself. What a privilege to get to be a part of the beginning of their family Christmas tradition. 

Barnes Family

Had another road trip out to Sterling for this shoot. This time, I took Misty Edwards to keep me company for the drive. Now, that girl knows how to write a song. I love this spot out in Sterling. Makes for awesome pictures.

I did a shoot of these kids back in the Summer, but this time, they wanted family photos. The kids sure did a good job - even the little one. He cracked me up. I deal with cheeky boys on a daily basis. I know how to get them to look at the camera - tell them NOT to. 
  For some reason, I did a lot of "leg" photos. I didn't realize until I started getting the pictures ready for my blog. But I love them all!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Doggett Family

This couple has had a photography business themselves in the past - truthfully, that made me a little extra nervous but at the same time, it was SOOO nice. They knew exactly what they wanted and were very helpful with posing. It sure was great having an extra set of eyes.
I absolutely LOVE what they wore. The colors pop so well!!

Brook, you have a gorgeous family!!

Thanksgiving with Family

I think this was quickest shoot I've ever done. After many warm days, we woke up that morning to a cold and cloudy day. Fast and fun and a bit chilly. 6 adults and 3 kids. And the adults weren't afraid to act a fool to get those kids to smile. LOVE IT!! I had a hard time holding my camera still because I was laughing so hard. I think I might hire them to come with me to all my shoots.

They were celebrating Thanksgiving with family that was in town. Perfect chance to have a photo shoot.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Twas the Night Before Christmas....

After spending too much time on pinterest, I asked my friend if she liked the idea of me doing her family pictures with them on a bed in their Christmas pj's. Of course, she loved the idea and offered to take a few of my family, too. But we still needed a bed. Another friend of mine saved the day by offering hers. So one afternoon, 1 bed, 3 families, 13 pairs of pj's, and lots of other Christmas props turned into our family Christmas pictures.

Family #1

Oh, Santa Baby pics - so fun!!

If you're wondering, we did get lots of crazy looks from by passers.
Family #2

I think this picture was my favorite. These boys made the best expressions! 
I made some gingerbread men to add to our list of props.

 And Family #3 (mine)

My sweet boys:

And of course, I can't take credit for the pictures with me in them. Those are thanks to Heidi.

Here's some behind the scenes that Heidi took for me. I love how my hubby is trying to get the boys to smile. He always get the best smiles out of them.

Me and my partner in crime:

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Behne Family

The week before this shoot, everyday was in the high 80's and 90's, so we decided to set the date for a morning time, when it's cooler. Ended up being 40 degrees. Brrrr!! I was perfectly warm in my jacket and hat, but this poor family is shivering under those smiles. We took several breaks and sent the kids to the car to warm up in between. They were real troopers!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Senior Road Trip!!

It's just more appropriate to have your senior pictures done in your hometown, isn't it? So for this shoot, I drove out to Sterling City instead of this family coming to San Angelo. I have to say, it was a nice drive. Me, Lincoln Brewster, and the highway. Ahhhhh!!!!
I love the idea of having senior pictures with your car. Who can forget the car they had when they graduated? Well, maybe not for MY senior pictures. A 1984 Pontiac T-1000 aka "Mighty-T" wouldn't have been so cool in pictures. BUT a nice, we're talking.

His girl's a senior, too, so we added her to a few shots.

We also did a few of the whole family.
Is that some fall I see? Oh, I love it when the leaves start changing colors! 
Thanks, guys. It was fun, and I loved your little town!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Harrison Girls

These 3 girls were so easy to shoot. They gave me beautiful smiles everytime.

Absolutely gorgeous girls!
And this red hair - just beautiful. I have to pay for mine. 

"Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there."  ~Amy Li

Peters Family

Remember this little guy? Well, it's only been a few months, but boy, has he gotten big. 

He really didn't like for momma to put him down, but he let her for just a few minutes. 

His big brother has started first grade this year, so we took a few to commemorate that, too. 

 What a sweet little family!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Back to School - oh BOY!

Boy, oh boy, oh boy!! This is the last of my back to school mini shoots. And these boys were just precious!

Little sister popped in for a couple pictures.

Their momma was so sweet. She took a few pictures of me with her kids so I could have some of myself doing what I do. Next time, I'm dressing up more!
Thanks to all my back to school kiddos! Y'all were fabulous. I hope you have a wonderful school year!